aria tutti (2020) for 8 players 12’30”
Infinite Superposition 1-7 (2020–>) growing works for different players
Direct music 29-38 (2020)
Supremus 3 for two violins 5’ (2020)
Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) (2019-20) for 2.5 voices and middle-age instruments 45’
Arkhitekton Teta (2019), a spatial composition for instruments, voices, and walking audience 48’
Supremus 2 for accordion 4’ (2019)
Direct music 1-28 (2019)
Supremus 1 for piano 1’30” (2019)
Supremus 0 for cello 6’ (2019)
Throughchant on Woruld Sprouting (2018), an oratorio on text by Pavel Filonov for choir, orchestra, and 10 soloists 43′
Discantata (2018) for 6 voices 18′
Tristans Liebestod und Nachspiel (2017-18) for three historic pianos of different epochs 45’
Cantus with Cleansing (2016) for 7 Balkan guslari on text by Eugene Ostashevsky 42’
subito atteso (2015) for string quartet 18’
Endliche Melodie (2015/16) for 6 voices with melodions 14′
Der Lauf der Dinge (2015), essays of measuring time by musical instruments 35’
The Sverlians. Overture. Ending (2014) a stage oratorio (text: Boris Yukhananov) 110’
La machine fleuve (2014) for 20 music boxes with bike transmission (from 70’ to 6h; together with Arno Fabre)
Scompositio (2014) for female voice performer, 13 players and audio projection 42’
play.list (2013) a playlist in 11 tracks for 15 players and 2 voices 40’
Three Four (2011), lyrical scenes off-theatre (texts: Lev Rubinstein) 75′
Voicity (2011), an open-air / homage to Arseny Avraamov 70’
Collectivision (2011) for 7 mouth harmonicas and button accordion 24’
He made forty (2011) for 4 reciting percussionists (text: Gertrude Stein) 12’30’’
0,10 (2010) suprematism for ensemble 21’
Primadonna (2010) for soprano and orchestra 12’
Seemphony (2010) for orchestra 18’
Eine kleine Nachtmusik (2009) for soprano and pianist (text: Lev Rubinstein) 17’
Aalto functions (2008) for clarinet/bass clarinet, cello, and accordion 11’
Dramma vago (2007) for flute, viola, and piano 11’
bzdmn [hmlss] (2006) on documentary texts by homeless people for male voice, string trio and button accordion 22’
Schmozart (2006) for piano, violin, and cello 10’
We Can’t Perform It (2006), an open rehearsal for piano trio with flute and clarinet 14’
The Normal (2005) for voice and 6 players (Vladimir Sorokin) 18’
Dramma muto (2005) for clarinet, violin, cello, and piano 10’
Words and Spaces (2005) for male voice, winds, brass and double-bass 14’
A Certain Quantity of Conversations (2004) on texts by Alexander Vvedensky for contralto and 8 instrumentalists 25’
The Axe (2004), funeral marches or valses in memoriam Dostoevsky’s personages for brass quintet and percussionist 9’
Breathing Exercises (2004) on texts by Genrikh Sapgir for 3-octave male voice, violin and bouzouki 8’
Aerra (2004) for violin and piano 13’
Rheos (2003) for string trio and piano 14’
Un petit concert de rats (2003) soundtrack for Ladislaw Starewitsch animation film “Le rat de ville et le rat de champs” (1920) for winds, brass, piano and bass-guitar 13’30
Consummatum est: cantate Domini canticum novum (2003) for 9 instruments (a part of the project “Seven words. Joseph Haydn and The Group of Authors”)
Lesvet Set’my (2002) 17 texts by Anna Alchuk in 23 movements for soprano and 7 players 22’
jAnko krUl albAnskaj (2002) dada-opera for 6 singers, 8 instrumentalists and conductor (text by Ilya Zdanevich, 1916) 26’
Concerto di forza (2002) for piano and orchestra 17’
Polyphonion (2001) concerto after Pavel Filonov’s “Formulas” for extended violin, accordion & 6 instruments 17’
Une messe de… (2001) for contemporary and/or period instruments and voices 13’
Gwaegr (version 2001) for cello and 8 instruments 17’
O ignis Spiritus Paracliti (2001) anthem for countertenor, 2 tenors, and bass 12’
Lygoi (2000) for string quartet 16’
Les Eléments, carré d’études transcendentales (2000) for two-bowed cello 12’
Doppelgedicht (1999) for soprano and piano (Paul Célan) 9’
Nachmusik (1998) for flute, 4 cellos and accordion 17’
Le planétaire de poche à remonter (1998) for four-hands piano (variable performance) n x 2’45”
Fadensonnen (1996) for flute and harpsichord 13’
Gwaegr (1995) for cello and string orchestra 17’
Il primo punto (1995) for accordion/organ 7′